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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Have you heard?

In the course of 2024, Bouygues Energies & Services and Equans will be united under one umbrella brand: Equans Switzerland.

Locally anchored, nationally active, globally networked.

Swiss leader in building technology, facility & property management, energy, traffic, telecoms, process automation, photovoltaics & e-mobility.

Our services

Building technology

Building technology and facility management are two of our core competences – we provide everything from a single source. Because: we understand buildings.

Facility Management

The Facility Management solution complements our service offering for buildings – our service span covers the entire life cycle.

Energy Transport Telecom

Electricity and transport need to flow – and we can help. With our products and services in railway and transport technology, as well as in electro-technical installations, energy supply and high-voltage switchgear systems.

Smart Solutions

Under our Smart Solutions line, we refine our services and products that are subject to rapid technological change.

Virtual Reception
Bouygues Energies & Services, a leader in the Swiss facility management market, has developed a digital reception services solution. Inspired by the modern design of settings with an open floor plan and no physical reception area, it combines a highly flexible corporate platform with the IT systems already used in-house to create a consistent experience for visitors.
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Bouygues completes acquisition of Equans
Today Bouygues completed the acquisition of Equans, a key milestone in its development. Thanks to this transaction, Bouygues becomes a world leader in the promising multi-technical services market which is at the heart of the environmental, industrial and digital transitions. Such services offer, in particular, solutions to optimise energy consumption, an even more strategic issue in the current context.
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Jobs & Career

Open positions

We are always looking for motivated colleagues who would like to reinforce our teams throughout Switzerland and also beyond. Find out more here about our current vacancies and open training positions.
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Smart City

Intelligente Gesamtlösungen für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft

Unter dem Sammelbegriff «Smart City» verstehen wir Ideen und Konzepte, welche mit dem Einsatz moderner Technologien ganze Areale, Quartiere, Gemeinden und Städte effizienter, lebenswerter und gleichzeitig nachhaltiger gestalten. Dazu braucht es Produkte, Dienstleistungen, Prozesse und Infrastrukturen sowie die Einbindung unterschiedlichster Akteure.
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Health & Safety

Safety first

Occupational health and safety is always a top priority at Bouygues Energies & Services in Switzerland and our parent company Bouygues Construction. Our utmost concern is to ensure that our employees go home to their families every day in the same healthy and safe state in which they arrive at work.
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Multitec stands for projects that involve several disciplines and teams of our group from all regions. In cross-discipline cooperation, we develop and implement complete solutions from a single source.
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You still have questions?

  • Where does the name Bouygues come from?

    Francis Bouygues was a French entrepreneur. He founded the construction company Entreprise Francis Bouygues in 1952. The Bouygues Group acquired the longstanding French company Entreprise de transport et de distribution d’électricité (ETDE) in 1984, which was renamed Bouygues Energies & Services in 2013. Francis Bouygues’ two sons Martin and Olivier Bouygues manage the Bouygues Group today.

  • How many employees does Bouygues Energies & Services have in Switzerland?

    We employ around 5000 people in Switzerland.

  • Where is Bouygues Energies & Services headquartered in Switzerland?

    The head office is in Zurich. You can find an overview of our branches under the navigation point Locations.

    To the locations
  • How can you get in touch with us?

    We are looking forward to your inquiry via the following form:

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