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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

How do I apply?

Would you like to apply for an apprenticeship with us? We'd be happy to have you on board! Below you will find step-by-step instructions on how to apply for your desired apprenticeship and what documents you will need.

Our application process is very simple:

  1. Choose a trainee position

  2. Complete your application documents

  3. Apply online

  4. Wait for a response

Find out more about the trainee position you want

Choose one of the 21 apprenticeships on offer and have a look through our directory of trainee positions to see which branches are near you. We offer trainee positions and pre-vocational traineeships throughout all Switzerland.

Learn more

Compile your application documents

Which career are you interested in, and where?

You will need:

  • A CV with contact information

  • A letter of application/motivation

  • References and pre-vocational traineeships already completed, along with copies of your upper secondary school-leaving certificates
To the open apprenticeship positions

Apply online or send your application via email

For a quick process, we recommend applying with us online. However, you can also send your application as a PDF attachment via email to the respective contact for your chosen branch.

Unable to find your contact? – then send your application to our centralised email address.


Now, all that’s left to do is wait. We will get back to you within 5–7 business days!

Pre-vocational traineeships

Get a preview today!


You can complete a pre-vocational traineeship in all apprenticeships offered by Equans Switzerland. Enjoy a preview of what’s on offer at many of our locations across Switzerland and get to know a range of different professions.

Learn more

What are you waiting for?

Apply now!

Apply here