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A brand of Bouygues Energies & Services
Kummler+Matter EVT

Commercial refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration is an extremely diverse issue and requires a high degree of expertise and experience. Our refrigeration specialists know every industry and develop customised solutions for you.

Whether a supermarket or petrol station shop, a restaurant, a commercial shop or a butcher's shop, we know the needs of different industries and the challenges they face. That is why we rely on cost-efficient, low-emission and ecological technologies and thus, combined with sophisticated solutions, ensure a good climate in every respect. For you and your customers.

Our areas of application

Our customers are as diverse as our solutions. Your contact will be happy to provide you with suitable references on request.

  • Gastronomy and hotel industry
    (refrigerated and deep-freeze rooms, beverage cooling, shock cooling, etc.)

  • Hospitals, care homes and prisons
    (medication and blood bank refrigeration, etc.)

  • Supermarkets, convenience stores, retail shops, butcher's shops, bakeries, florist's
    (refrigeration and deep-freeze appliances, sales counters, individual and compound refrigeration systems, direct and indirect refrigeration systems, systems with natural refrigerants, etc.)

  • Research institutes, laboratories
    (low-temperature units, climate simulation systems)


Energy efficiency is particularly important when it comes to refrigeration and air conditioning, as such systems consume energy and can pollute the environment. That is why, a suitable concept, an optimal system and emission-free operation are the most important ways to save costs and reduce energy consumption. Our advisors will be happy to show you the available options. 


Sandro JOOS
Team Leader Refrigeration
+41 76 319 64 75
Marcel MOSER
Salesperson refrigeration systems
+41 79 797 60 25
Technical Manager Refrigeration
+41 79 126 42 05
Sale refrigeration systems
+41 52 725 29 03
Olivier BLESI
Head of Department HVACE - Service & refrigeration systems
+41 41 269 45 54

Contact us

Are you interested in our offer and would like to get more information? We look forward to hearing from you! Please send us your enquiry or question using the form below. We will be happy to contact you shortly by e-mail or telephone. 

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